Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Most Admired??
My immediate thought upon reading the piece was, "Are you friggin kidding me?" Are we talking about the same Bush whose approval numbers have been hovering at or below the freezing level on the Fahrenheit scale since longer than the citizen's of this country care to remember? Is this the same Bush whose administration has been embroiled in one fibbing fiasco after another since the day he was "elected" into office, and everyone is sick to death of being lied to?
My second thought was, "Just who are those Gallup folks polling anyway? There is not one soul I know (and I'm no hermit) who would come forward and proclaim that Dubbya is the most admired man in their book. I am 100 percent positive that if I went out to the mall today (not that I'm foolish enough to risk my life in a mall the day after Christmas with all those crazed sale seekers attacking the marked down merchandise like hungry piranhas) and "polled" 100 people at random, it would be a aberration if just 1 of them mentioned Bush as their most admired. As a matter of fact, I'd almost bet on it!
Imagine this scenerio if you can; "The Brain" covertly calls the Gallup camp and whispers into the head pollster's ear, "I have an idea for your latest most admired poll," Rove says, sneering into the phone like Butthead. "Why don't you poll 3 random places such as . . . hmm let me think . . . how about, Kennebunkport, that's in Maine you know? And then somewhere in the south, . . . like let's say . . . Crawford, that's in Texas. And to round things out there is a large residence on Pennsylvania Avenue, that's DC. Thanks for your cooperation. We owe you one."
Sound a little outlandish? OK, I'll admit I might have gotten a bit carried away there. How about this scenario? The Gallup poll inadvertently makes calls from a data list of hearing impaired people, and they think the question asked is; "Who do you think is the most mired - as in doo doo - person in the country," and they all quickly answered, "George Bush!"
To support this scenario, the poll listed Hillary as the "most admired woman."
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ron Paul, America's New $6 Million Dollar Man
Yet the main stream media has virtually snubbed Congressman Paul's feat and popularity among voters, those demanding change within the current corrupt wheels of government, nary a major newspaper in the country has made mention of the fund raising feat as a front page story nor a major network news service as nothing more than an aside.
It is as plain as the day is long that the MSM, big business, and the wheels in Washington do not want to see someone in office whose position is to give the power back to the people as was intended by our Founding Fathers. Ron Paul's popularity continues to grow despite huge propaganda contending his legitimacy as a candidate. We The People shall have our say, and if that voice is for Ron Paul to lead our country out of the abyss the current administration has mired us in, then hail to Ron Paul!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Armed Security Guard Lauded As Hero
According to Senior Pastor Brady Boyd of the Colorado Springs New Life Church, who had instituted security precautions after a previous shooting at a Denver area mission center earlier that Sunday, an armed female security guard "probably saved 100 lives." The gunman, he added, "had a lot of ammunition to do a lot of damage."
Wake up America! We are accorded the right to bear arms for more than the purpose of hunting and target practice. Arms are first and foremost a means to protect ourselves from those meaning to do us harm, whether it be from deranged gunmen or a "destructive government."
Thank the Lord - no pun intended - that this Church believed in it's God given right to protect itself and its congregation using any means available! The message should ring as clear as the sound of a Church bell.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Total No-Recall
Like always, the White House has total non-recall about the destroyed evidence.
Somehow I recall hearing the "I have no recollection.." defense lately. Oh yeah! It was another one of those Bush administration cronies, the ex-top lawyer in the country, Alberto Gonzalez who seemed to be suffering from a convenient case of amnesia during the Congressional hearings.
Now it looks like the condition must be going around because the big piece of dung on top of the heap conveniently has "has no recollection" of hearing about either the tapes' existence or their destruction before being briefed about it Thursday morning, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said. But wait a second..perhaps it was Bush who passed the bug to the AG!
Have no fear Congress, the condition is nothing a little water-boarding can't cure.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
"..the right of the people to keep and bear arms.."
Consider this...the suicide - homicide - bomber is much harder to stop once in progress. If he makes it to his destination undetected, in an instant his deed is done. However, a mall or school shooter's actions take time to carry out for maximum efficacy.
Enter the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Is it not possible, if the right to keep and bear arms is allowed to its fullest intentions, that legally armed citizens might mitigate the damage done by a shooter? Shouldn't that reason alone be worth enforcing our rights; if just one life is spared?
Imagine a Columbine, Virginia Tech, or an Omaha mall, where armed and empowered citizens have the choice to fight for their lives instead of running or cowering. Imagine friends and relatives who still grieve, that may not have to. Imagine a country where We The People decide our fates.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
"Here's what we know..." More Bushit!
Bush told reporters today that he was told of "new information" about Iran in August during a briefing by Adm. Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence.
"He didn't tell me what the information was. He did tell me it was going to take a while to analyze," the president said. He said he wasn't briefed about the new information until the new intelligence report was prepared last week.
The Democratic presidential candidates were incredulous that Bush did not know about the assessment's new finding.
Biden, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called that explanation "unbelievable."
"Are you telling me a president that's briefed every single morning, who's fixated on Iran, is not told back in August that the tentative conclusion of 16 intelligence agencies in the U.S. government said they had abandoned their effort for a nuclear weapon in '03?" Biden asked in a conference call with reporters.
"I refuse to believe that," he added. "If that's true, he has the most incompetent staff in modern American history, and he's one of the most incompetent presidents in modern American history."
The Bush administration has spent years warning that Iran's development of nuclear power plants and enriched uranium masked an effort to produce an atomic bomb. Top officials have called the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran "unacceptable."
But in a report released Monday, U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Iran had suspended nuclear weapons work in 2003 and was unlikely to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a bomb until at least 2010.
The assessment reverses a 2005 National Intelligence Estimate that found the Islamic republic was "determined to develop nuclear weapons despite its international obligations and international pressure."Again, our Commander in Chief shows what a disaster he is as a leader and what a nincompoop he truly is as a person.
Check out his Bushit during the press conference where he tries to convince everyone he was out of the loop.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Killing of a President
So why would our government be so adamant about its position? Could it be that government officials, from past presidents on down, were also complicit in the conspiracy? Could the current President be related to the center of the web of intrigue? Check out the following 10-part video expose' and decide for yourself. This link will take you to part 1, click on the "Related Video" links for parts 2-10. Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Another out of control cop playing with his taser.
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you think your Thanksgiving menu is unique, here are a list of foods that may have been served at the first Thankgiving in 1621 shared by the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians.
Seafood: Cod, Eel, Clams, Lobster
Wild Fowl: Wild Turkey, Goose, Duck, Crane, Swan, Partridge, Eagles
Meat: Venison, Seal
Grain: Wheat Flour, Indian Corn
Vegetables: Pumpkin, Peas, Beans, Onions, Lettuce, Radishes, Carrots
Fruit: Plums, Grapes
Nuts: Walnuts, Chestnuts, Acorns
Herbs and Seasonings: Olive Oil, Liverwort, Leeks, Dried Currants, Parsnips
What Was Not on the Menu
Surprisingly, the following foods, all considered staples of the modern Thanksgiving meal, didn't appear on the pilgrim's first feast table:
Ham: There is no evidence that the colonists had butchered a pig by this time, though they had brought pigs with them from England.
Sweet Potatoes/Potatoes: These were not common.
Corn on the Cob: Corn was kept dried out at this time of year.
Cranberry Sauce: The colonists had cranberries but no sugar at this time.
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America!