Saturday, January 26, 2008

Are You Ready For Phase II of the Billary Dynasty?

Bill Clinton is once again showing the first signs of his true self. Mr. Magnanimous World Humanitarian is basically just a liar when you peel back all his slippery layers. Granted, he is probably the world’s most astute politician, and if that is what you want for your country’s leader er…I mean First Man, by all means. And Hillary is doing a fine job of showing us she is cut from the same cloth. Together, they are bringing the Presidential election campaign process to new lows of gamesmanship, not to mention integrity.

Bill is proving himself as one of the most effective hatchet men in national election history. As I sit back and watch the workings of the Clinton machine in action, I’m in awe…and a bit embarrassed. Embarrassed that a former President has no low that is too low in order to get his ethical twin elected; embarrassed that a former American President, who should be demonstrating the prestige of his former office, knows no shame. Even Bush Sr. did not have the temerity to belittle his nincompoop son’s opponents during Jr.’s two campaigns.

Hill too is proving uncannily astute at deflecting criticism and blame, just as Slick Willy did in his heyday, “I did not have sex with that woman...” Hillary’s current mantra, “ is me who is running for office, not my husband..”, however it is the latter who has been left behind in South Carolina to plant the seeds of divisiveness and race, not to mention taking the political heat, while the Mrs. is off in search of bigger game.

With the looming possibility of Hill and Bill – Billary – in the White House again, we must face the fact that the only “change” we are going to get in government is which sex wears the pants in the family.

Wake up America; if you elect Hill for office, you are also electing Bill. Is that what you really want?

Monday, January 14, 2008

How Is It That A Halfrican American Can Be Successfully Promoted As “Black?”

How Is It That A Halfrican American Can Be Successfully Promoted As “Black?”

I really like Barack Obama. Although my political leanings are far more Libertarian than Democrat, Sen. Obama has a lot going for him and he is by far the most dynamic of all the current batch of Presidential candidates. He may not be my choice for the Oval Office, but he certainly is the choice of millions of other concerned Americans. God Bless Him if he wins the political Super Bowl.

With that being said, why is Barack being labeled the “Black” candidate? All day long we are besieged by media pundits comparing the two democratic front-runners as a contest between a potential first woman, and a potential first black as President. As far as can be discerned, Hillary is all woman; Bill, any objections? Yet Barack Obama is only half black. He is also half white, or Caucasian, or of European descent, or whichever politically correct moniker “whites” should be labeled. Had Senator Obama had been born with predominately white features, would we even be talking about the race vs. gender race? There might be whispers about his having a black father, but those would be insensitive remarks made in back rooms.

The greatest golfer in history (in my humble opinion) had the courage to stand up and say “he wasn’t actually black.” Later when Tiger Woods was asked by Oprah on her show if it bothered him when he was referred to as an African American, he replied, “It does. Growing up, I came up with this name: I'm a 'Cablinasian.’” Tiger, whose father is half-black, one-quarter American Indian, one-quarter white, and whose Thai mother (actually half-Thai, half-Chinese) does not identify with the “black” label being applied to him, regardless of his features. "I'm just who I am," Woods told Oprah Winfrey, "whoever you see in front of you."

As far as I’m concerned, Barack Obama is who he is. And that should be the mettle on which this wonderful person should be judged, as a candidate, and as a man.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Rupee?

The Bush administration’s dismal economic policies have reached a new low. How low? Well let’s just say that when the mighty Indian rupee has more respect than the US dollar, our respect in the monetary world is swiftly swirling down the toilet.

For those who haven’t heard this latest gem, India's tourism minister, Ambika Soni, said Thursday that U.S. dollars will no longer be accepted at the country's heritage tourist sites, like the famed Taj Mahal.

For years the dollar was worth about 50 rupees and tourists visiting most sites in India were charged either $5 or 250 rupees. But with the dollar at a nine-year low against the rupee — falling 11 percent in 2007 alone and now hovering at around 39 rupees — that deal has become a losing proposition for the tourism industry.

According to the minister, the decision was only in part a reaction to the currency's plunging value. "Before the dollar lost its value, there was a demand to have (admission tickets) just in rupees," Soni said that charging only rupees would not only be more practical, but would save money because "the dollar was weaker against the rupee."

How do you say, “bullshit” in Hindi? This is but a glossed over attempt by the minister to politely say, “take your puny dollar and shove it!”

The Taj Mahal, India's famed white marble monument to love, which had charged tourists $15 or 750 rupees, has been refusing to accept dollars since November. The move makes visits pricier for American tourists, who now have to shell out nearly $20. And it's likely to get worse.

While the mighty buck has fallen against most major currencies, it has lost ground against the rupee due to an influx of foreign capital into India. "We expect a slight appreciation of the rupee to continue, although it won't be as dramatic as last year," said Agam Gupta, head of foreign exchange trading at Standard Chartered Bank in India.

Don’t know about you, but I am feeling a wee bit embarrassed about this. It was not too long ago that a pocket full of America dollars in any foreign country was cause for envy. Now we have to glance out the corners of both eyes before reaching into our pockets and purses to pull out a few greenbacks. It almost feels dirty.

Thanks Bush. Again you have proved you aren’t worth a falling dollar.

See No Evil