Add Scotland to my s*%t list. For most of my life I have admired those skirt wearing laddies and more than admired those skirt wearing lasses from the bonnie Isle of Scotland. As a matter of fact, one particular Scottish lass I knew as a young lad had the most beautiful and pleasant temperament I have ever come across. To this day even!
But by releasing Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, an intelligence officer for Libya (who by the way, just so happened to have been the key player in blasting a jet full of innocent people out of the sky) Scotland has shamed themselves and in turn shown us just exactly what they are hiding under those kilts – and it doesn’t rhyme with ‘walls.’ Note: there are a few Scots who are as outraged as I at the decision to let Abdel loose after serving only 8 years of a life sentence, and for them I am issuing a pass on this one.
Apparently it did not matter to Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill that the falling plane also happened to kill a few more innocents on the ground, fellow countrymen mind you. To add insult to injury, al-Megrahi was given a hero’s welcome upon his arrival in Tripoli.
Supposedly, al-Megrahi has only a few months to live because of terminal prostate cancer. Therefore MacAskill decided (to the consternation of almost every citizen of every Western nation) to release the Libyan terrorist on “compassionate grounds” saying “..he is going home to die.” Hey Kenny, just who appointed you the angel of mercy?
And when questioned by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer if there had ever been a precedent for releasing a murderer in Scotland on the same grounds, MacKaskill danced around the question like a river dancer with his kilt on fire. Eventually he admitted there hadn’t been one. Yes, I know, river dancers are from Ireland. Then, when Wolfy asked if he had been pressured from higher ups, the merciful Secretary replied that the decision was all his. Sure! Bet ya me bottom farthing, he’s MacFudging on that one!
Now, let’s imagine for just a moment that the terrorist bomber was from another friendly nation, say…. North Korea - which has about as much to offer the Scottish government as, say… Do you think the Scottish parliament would give one banger of a hoot if a Korean had prostate cancer? I think not! Now let’s imagine for a moment that Libya had no oil. In that scenario, I think that Adbel Baset al-Megrahi would still be sitting in his cell praying he wasn’t going to be served haggis for supper.
So, what is the moral to this story, you ask? If you are going to blow up a plane, better make sure your ass is covered. Preferably with oil.