While the activists and the rest of America are waiting for the next move by the Obama Administration on Immigration Reform
, some twenty million illegal aliens
are quietly waiting at the back door for amnesty. Foolish? Never happen? Think again.
President Obama and the Pelosi-Reid-Emmanuel cartel are about to get spanked on healthcare. They handled this like rank amateurs, which of course at least one of them is. They haven’t a clue what the American people really want nor do they care as they are blinded by their own visions of a social democracy fantasy-land where America no longer leads but follows.
Trouble is, we’re following n the footsteps of those who have already failed at social democracy and national healthcare. Nice plan.
No, the healthcare initiative is not going well. If it does pass, it will look nothing like its proponents’ envisioned. Is it likely that fresh on the heals of this defeat, the President and Congress would stick their collective necks out once again to be sized up by the public for a silver platter? I think not.
For one thing, we're coming up on an election year and Harry Reid is in the fight for his political life in Nevada. So is Barbara Boxer in California where she may be facing formidable opponent and former CEO of HP Carly Firoina. None are going to want to raise the hackles of public dissent at least until after the elections are over. From the other side of this however, If they do not get what they want now, the door may shut for a long time. They may have to act, just not politically.
So as the activists on both sides of the debate gird their loins, shine their shields and sharpen their pencils and swords, the Administration is instead skillfully de-fanging the Department of Homeland Security and preparing to address Immigration Reform not as a part of the political process but as a bureaucratic one.
According to a well placed Homeland Security Administrator (who obviously prefers to remain anonymous), the wheels of deceit are already in motion as orders are out to scuttle ICE raids of companies hiring illegal workers, remove key elements of 287G policies, which give local law enforcement the ability to arrest illegal aliens, and to set the stage for the processing of millions of illegal immigrants as newly minted American citizens.
“The plan is to incrementally remove all obstacles for immigration reform without a public debate.” The confidential source said. “Amnesty is a 100% done deal already,” he added.
Not so fast.
Aren’t the American people supposed to weigh in on this through their elected representatives; a public that today is some 75% against amnesty? Well that would be true if the administration actually intended to have a public debate this time. By all accounts…they do not. Or if they have one at all it will be so convoluted that most will be waiting for the other shoe to drop, which it will…on the back stoop.
Here is what you need to watch for in the coming weeks and months. Executive Orders and departmental pronouncements that limit the ability for law enforcement to do its job and a re-tasking of Federal Agents and bureaucrats to other “more important” duties like protecting MEXICO from evil American citizens with guns. Don’t underestimate Executive Orders. As Clinton advisor Paul Begala once said about them: "Stroke of the pen…law of the land…kinda cool." The Obama Administration is rife with Clintonista’s who made circling around a Republican Congress an art form.
Watch for the pieces of the immigration reform puzzle to be presented to congress incrementally as amendments that seemingly get tough on illegal immigration only to have their teeth pulled out once they are law through administrative procedures. Excellent programs like E-verify may sail through only to be disassembled by bureaucrats. Other amendments will get passed by voice vote (so no one can claim responsibility) to appease the right and then bury them or dramatically alter them in committee.
Rumor has it the President has taken to doing magic tricks in his spare time. The sleight of hand skills required will serve him well in the coming months. Read every word of every bill and scrutinize the Amendments closely. Each time something having to so with immigration comes before Congress, call your Representative and tell them what you think. Let them know you are paying attention. Shut down the Senate switchboard once again if you have to. Do it every day. Use excellent free fax tools like those at NumbersUSA.com and throw them a few bucks if you can. I have gotten a written response from every legislator I have ever faxed. Someone reads them.
So the next few months should be interesting. Pundits on the left and right are now suggesting that Immigration Reform has already eclipsed Healthcare in the public spotlight. More than 130 immigration reform advocates met at the White House last week to strategize. Many are funded in one way or another with your tax dollars. They are preparing for a robust public debate.
Or are they?
Article by Carl Braun San Diego Examiner
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