Saturday, January 26, 2008

Are You Ready For Phase II of the Billary Dynasty?

Bill Clinton is once again showing the first signs of his true self. Mr. Magnanimous World Humanitarian is basically just a liar when you peel back all his slippery layers. Granted, he is probably the world’s most astute politician, and if that is what you want for your country’s leader er…I mean First Man, by all means. And Hillary is doing a fine job of showing us she is cut from the same cloth. Together, they are bringing the Presidential election campaign process to new lows of gamesmanship, not to mention integrity.

Bill is proving himself as one of the most effective hatchet men in national election history. As I sit back and watch the workings of the Clinton machine in action, I’m in awe…and a bit embarrassed. Embarrassed that a former President has no low that is too low in order to get his ethical twin elected; embarrassed that a former American President, who should be demonstrating the prestige of his former office, knows no shame. Even Bush Sr. did not have the temerity to belittle his nincompoop son’s opponents during Jr.’s two campaigns.

Hill too is proving uncannily astute at deflecting criticism and blame, just as Slick Willy did in his heyday, “I did not have sex with that woman...” Hillary’s current mantra, “ is me who is running for office, not my husband..”, however it is the latter who has been left behind in South Carolina to plant the seeds of divisiveness and race, not to mention taking the political heat, while the Mrs. is off in search of bigger game.

With the looming possibility of Hill and Bill – Billary – in the White House again, we must face the fact that the only “change” we are going to get in government is which sex wears the pants in the family.

Wake up America; if you elect Hill for office, you are also electing Bill. Is that what you really want?

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