Thursday, February 28, 2008

"That's interesting. I hadn't heard that."

When President George was taking questions today regarding U.S. economic woes (ones his administration are primarily responsible for) and asked about the prospect of $4 a gallon gas prices, he uttered with typical Dubya wisdom, "That's interesting. I hadn't heard that."

This coming from the same intellectual dwarf, who defies even his own personally appointed Chairman of the Fed, in viewing an impending recession with all prevailing indices at his disposal. Bush’s theory of economics states, “we’re only going through a slow down.” As akin to a skydiver whose tangled chute is slowed down, Mr. Prez?

I myself subscribe to the Rip Van Winkle theory of economics..I’ll just fall asleep and wake up 20 years from now when this whole Bush fiasco is but a bad dream.

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