Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Most Admired??

I just read a CNN article showing the results of the latest Gallup poll of the "Most Admired" man and woman. According to the author, "Sitting presidents usually top Gallup's list of the country's most admired man, and this year is no exception: President Bush leads, as the choice of 10 percent of those polled. "

My immediate thought upon reading the piece was, "Are you friggin kidding me?" Are we talking about the same Bush whose approval numbers have been hovering at or below the freezing level on the Fahrenheit scale since longer than the citizen's of this country care to remember? Is this the same Bush whose administration has been embroiled in one fibbing fiasco after another since the day he was "elected" into office, and everyone is sick to death of being lied to?

My second thought was, "Just who are those Gallup folks polling anyway? There is not one soul I know (and I'm no hermit) who would come forward and proclaim that Dubbya is the most admired man in their book. I am 100 percent positive that if I went out to the mall today (not that I'm foolish enough to risk my life in a mall the day after Christmas with all those crazed sale seekers attacking the marked down merchandise like hungry piranhas) and "polled" 100 people at random, it would be a aberration if just 1 of them mentioned Bush as their most admired. As a matter of fact, I'd almost bet on it!

Imagine this scenerio if you can; "The Brain" covertly calls the Gallup camp and whispers into the head pollster's ear, "I have an idea for your latest most admired poll," Rove says, sneering into the phone like Butthead. "Why don't you poll 3 random places such as . . . hmm let me think . . . how about, Kennebunkport, that's in Maine you know? And then somewhere in the south, . . . like let's say . . . Crawford, that's in Texas. And to round things out there is a large residence on Pennsylvania Avenue, that's DC. Thanks for your cooperation. We owe you one."

Sound a little outlandish? OK, I'll admit I might have gotten a bit carried away there. How about this scenario? The Gallup poll inadvertently makes calls from a data list of hearing impaired people, and they think the question asked is; "Who do you think is the most mired - as in doo doo - person in the country," and they all quickly answered, "George Bush!"

To support this scenario, the poll listed Hillary as the "most admired woman."

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