Monday, December 17, 2007

Ron Paul, America's New $6 Million Dollar Man

Ron Paul has just broken John Kerry's record fund raising total for a single day this last Sunday; Paul’s campaign spokesman late Sunday announced the campaign had eclipsed the $5.7 million that John Kerry raised the day after he locked up the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination – arguably the largest single-day fund raising haul in U.S. political history.

Yet the main stream media has virtually snubbed Congressman Paul's feat and popularity among voters, those demanding change within the current corrupt wheels of government, nary a major newspaper in the country has made mention of the fund raising feat as a front page story nor a major network news service as nothing more than an aside.

It is as plain as the day is long that the MSM, big business, and the wheels in Washington do not want to see someone in office whose position is to give the power back to the people as was intended by our Founding Fathers. Ron Paul's popularity continues to grow despite huge propaganda contending his legitimacy as a candidate. We The People shall have our say, and if that voice is for Ron Paul to lead our country out of the abyss the current administration has mired us in, then hail to Ron Paul!

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